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Proud history given a fitting home

(苏州高新区管委会(虎丘区人民政府)) | Updated : 2024-07-22

Suzhou City Party History Education Base has been officially opened in the city, and district archives relating to the history of the Communist Party of China have been handed over to it.
This took place at Taohu Red Memory Memorial Hall on July 18 in an event organized by the Suzhou City Party History Work Office, Suzhou New District (SND) Archives and the Zhenhu area.
Those attending the event included: Xu Haiming, Director of the Suzhou City Party History Work Office and Director of the Suzhou Revolution Museum; Zhang Ying, a district leader; and departmental heads.
Taohu Red Memory Memorial Hall is in Suzhou New District (SND) and covers 128 square meters, with “The Great Spirit of Building the Party” being the main theme and “Suxi Red Culture” the headline topic. It is divided into four main theme exhibition halls and a digital scenario interpretation space. The halls carry the titles Blazing Suxi, Heroes’ Spirit, Engraving the Original Aspiration and Inheriting the Era. They tell of celebrated battles and of heroic deeds that paved the way to final victory.
Before the ceremony, participants visited Taohu Red Memory Memorial Hall and the Western Huahua Liaison Point of the Taohu Guerrilla Team.
In recent years SND has explored the area’s Party history and has drawn on what it has learned to update archives and local chronicles.
The Martyrs Cemetery of Heshan, the Martyrs Cemetery of Zhenhu area and Taohu Red Memory Memorial Hall have successively been selected as Suzhou City Party History Education Bases.
SND will continue to make full use of the martyrs' memorial facilities, revolutionary sites and exhibition halls, among other Party resources, and continue to make improvements to them as Party history education bases.
The bases will become important places for people, particularly the young, to understand the Party's history and aims, and to learn more about them.

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