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Museum exhibitions worth seeing

(chinadaily.com.cn) | Updated : 2023-05-16


A poster for the special Dunhuang art copying and spiritual inheritance exhibition. [Photo/WeChat account: snd-szgxqfb]

May 18 marks the 47th International Museum Day. Here are some exhibitions that are currently underway at the museums in Suzhou New District, Suzhou, Jiangsu province.

The Dunhuang art copying and spiritual inheritance exhibition in the western wing of the Suzhou Museum is divided into three sections for Dunhuang grotto murals, Dunhuang grotto art, and Dunhuang studies and documents, respectively.

Those interested can visit the museum from March 25 to June 25.

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A poster featuring woodblock printings of the 24 solar terms. [Photo/WeChat account: snd-szgxqfb]

The museum is also exhibiting woodblock printings themed on the 24 solar terms in Suzhou until the end of this month. In collaboration with the Zhejiang Museum of Natural History, the museum is also displaying dinosaur fossils unearthed in Zhejiang province until Jan 7, 2024.

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A poster for the Ancient Greeks: Athletes, Warriors, and Heroes exhibition. [Photo/WeChat account: snd-szgxqfb]

The Ancient Greeks: Athletes, Warriors, and Heroes exhibition is also being held at the museum, showcasing 177 relics from the British Museum related to children's games, sporting events, music, painting, military equipment, and tomb decorations in ancient Greece.

The Suzhou Dongwu Museum will launch an exhibition of the four treasures of the study – writing brushes, ink sticks, ink slabs and paper – on May 18. The exhibition will include more than 130 exhibits ranging from the Han Dynasty (206 BC-220) to the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911).

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