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China Suzhou Innovation Park

(chinadaily.com.cn) | Updated : 2022-01-17


China Suzhou Innovation Park. [Photo/WeChat account: snd-szgxqfb]

The China Suzhou Innovation Park is one of the first State-level innovation parks for overseas students as well as an incubator for science and technology enterprises.

The park has moved up one place to sixth on a ranking of the competitiveness of overseas Chinese innovation parks in China.

After the park improved the quality and efficiency of its development in 2021, companies in the park generated revenue of 4.85 billion yuan ($763.88 million), paid 206 million yuan in taxes, and attracted new financing of 3.21 billion yuan. The total market value of the companies has now reached 26.55 billion yuan, doubling that of 2020.

The innovation park, spanning a total area of 180,000 square meters, is located in central Suzhou New District and features interconnected transportation networks and complete educational, commercial, and medical supporting facilities.

The park has taken advantage of the internet and artificial intelligence technology to digitalize its management as well as services for local companies.

It has also established a one-on-one service mechanism that ensures every company can receive targeted sci-tech services related to finance, policy consultation, human resources, enterprise management, intellectual property, project declaration, entrepreneurship guidance, and industrial and commercial taxation.

To date, the park has attracted over 200 businesses run by more than 100 returned overseas Chinese. Many of the returnees have been recognized as city-level and province-level high-caliber personnel.

Address: No 209 Zhuyuan Road, Suzhou New District

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